2015 Final English Lesson - Dinternal

2015 Final English Lesson

2015 Final English Lesson

2015 Final English Lesson


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Goodbye 2015 – Hello 2016! Looking back at 2015


Student Worksheet #1


Task 1
Some years are better or more enjoyable/successful than others. We remember these years and the special things that happened. Think of 2015 – what was good for YOU about this year? Make notes.

2015 – It was a GOOD year for me!


What happened?
What did you do?
Where did you go?
How have you changed?
What have you achieved?
New friends you met
Fun things you did
Important lessons you learned


Task 2
Interview your partner/classmates about their year. Was it a good year for him/her/them?


Task 3
In groups of three, think of what makes 2015 a memorable year.
Fill in the map with your choices.


Top list 2015

TV Show  

* you can add your own categories for your Top list 2015, if you want.


Task 4

Compare your list with your classmates. Make a whole class TOP list 2015 poster.



Teacher’s notes #1



Give students a few minutes to brainstorm what might make a year good or bad. Get some feedback.

Task 1
Ask students to make notes under the headings. You can elicit questions for each of the points – e.g “Did you make any new friends this year?” before students interview each other.

Task 2
Students work in pairs or in groups and discuss what they have on their lists. While students are doing the activity, monitor and help if needed.

Tasks 3 & 4
It’s an optional group/class activity.
If you want your students to make a classroom poster Top List 2015 you need to bring (or ask students to do that) a big sheet of drawing paper, glue, pencils, magazine pictures etc.




NEW YEAR – Fresh Start! New Year’s Resolutions


Student Worksheet #2


Task 1

Here are some common New Year’s resolutions (personal plans for the coming year). Tick the resolutions you would like to make.


I’m going to..........

  • Exercise: do more/ join a gym/ take up a sport
  • Health: lose weight/ go on a diet/ eat less chocolate/ give up junk food
  • Hobbies: start a new hobby/ join a club/ learn how to (paint, cook, play an instrument etc.)
  • Friends: make new friends/ be kinder to friends/ spend more(less) time with friends
  • Studies: study more/ do more homework/ read more/ get better marks
  • Money: save more money/ spend less/ be careful with pocket money


Task 2

Read what young people around the UK say about their resolutions for 2016.
Eat fewer sweets, be nicer to my little brother and improve my computer skills. (Mary 15 Glasgow)
Do some voluntary work in my area and improve my tennis skills. Maybe be nicer to my girlfriend. (Ben 16 London)
Learn how to play the guitar and talk less in class! Study hard to get good grades for university. (Sophie 17 Brighton )


Do people in Ukraine make resolutions at New Year?
Make a list of your own resolutions for 2016.




Compare your list with your partner’s.


Task 3

Chose two of the people from the list below and write some 2016 resolutions for them. You can think of funny or serious resolutions.

  • your teacher
  • your best friend
  • your boyfriend/girlfriend
  • a famous musician
  • a famous sports star


Person 1 (               ) In 2016 I’m going to...


Person 2 (               ) In 2016 I’m going to...



Teacher’s notes #2




Write “New Year” on the board and ask students to think of anything that they associate with the start of the new year. Write their ideas down.
Ask students what type of plans people make when a year starts. Introduce “resolution(s)”. You can give examples of your own last year’s resolutions and comment on them. Did you stick to them? (Why not?) Why do people make resolutions? Have your students ever made resolutions?

Task 1

Run through the resolutions in task 1. Using your own example and some phrases from the list, write on the board 2-3 sentences so they get the idea.
In 2016 I would like to learn how to drive a car.
I’m going to spend more time with my friends and join a gym.
Students ask each other about their resolutions in pairs. Get feedback and see which resolutions are the most popular.

Task 2

Get students to read about British teenagers and ask them to make a list of their own resolutions. If students have problems with that, write some prompts on the board: e.g. Something to do more often; Something to improve; Something to NOT do any more etc.
Then you can ask your students to discuss what they wrote in pairs, small groups or do this as a whole class discussion.

Task 3

It can be a fun activity where students use their imagination to suggest amusing examples. They can work in pairs or small groups. Try to give examples yourself for people you know. You could also bring in pictures of famous people/fictional characters – ask the students to write resolutions for them and the other students can guess who the resolution is for.




Goodbye 2015 – Hello 2016!


Level: B1+


Student Worksheet #3



2016 Horoscope Predictions


What does the horoscope 2016 have in store for you? Find out! Knowing what your life will be like in 2016 in terms of studies, health and relationships with your friends and family can give a big boost to your overall well-being.


Aries (March 21 - April 19)

2016 is prime time for you to take charge of your studies! It will require effort, but you are up to the challenge. You are a Fire sign, thus you will have more energy and power than others.

Springtime may test your patience, but do not get discouraged. Work hard and trust your intuition. During late spring until mid-summer, you will focus on the intellectual part of your life and also on travelling and on communication with people around you.

In the late summer and early autumn try to resist the desire to take part in too many events, gatherings or classes. Your health and well-being are just as important as any extra praise you might receive.

Furthermore, 2016 will give you many opportunities to meet new people and your social life will improve.

In many ways, 2016 is magical as well as powerful for you!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

2016 is the year for big, important changes. You can become a completely new person if you choose so. People will see you differently this year, so be adaptable but firm, and be happy with yourself. People love you.

You will benefit from your family and closest relatives’ full support and your family will seem to do well; you will live in an atmosphere of emotional security and a lot of optimism. It is possible for you to move into a bigger house or redecorate your room.

March and April will bring you some new people and perhaps a change in personal tastes and opinions. Radical changes may not be needed, though. You will see what works for you.

Regarding your studies, in 2016 you might need to take some radical decisions, but you will have to do this with a lot of patience and tact. Don't get over-ambitious, and prioritise your health.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

You're a rising star in 2016, but you will need lots of effort to avoid falling down.

In the first part of the year, new characters will enter your life and they can become your friends. However, regardless of the number of new people that you will meet, not anyone will be welcomed into your life because you want to be surrounded only by intelligent, active and extraordinary people.

Your attention is focused on making progress. This year, you will ask all the right questions and refuse to go on without answers and information.

May and then September may be your most accomplished periods. September is especially good.

Try to avoid conflicts because things are not always going to work out in your favour and what you want might be difficult to get.

Some very good news for you is that in 2016 your health conditions will visibly improve. You can do great things this year!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

2016 is your kind of year, when you can expect a rise in your studies. Remember how you started putting in a lot of effort a few years ago? Well this year it will start to pay off. Despite the fact that you will have many responsibilities and they will become more and more difficult, you will be more successful in the first part of 2016.

There will be very little stress in the relationships with your family and friends. Your life will be more cheerful and you will have more opportunities to have fun than before. You will have more free time and you will choose to spend it in totally new and unusual ways. Overall, you will have a more optimistic attitude and you will socialise and communicate more.

However, you should pay very close attention to your health. It can be improved through physical exercise and a healthier lifestyle.

Don't stress, respect your health, and enjoy a charming year!

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Let the world see more of the true you in 2016! Work hard at what you love and have more fun doing it. More people will enjoy working with you, and then your social life will be busier, too.

In the spring try to slow down, focus, and keep your eyes on what is most important. This year will bring you luck and optimism and nothing will seem too hard for you to accomplish. You will have a much more positive perspective upon things and your sense of humour will be with you even in the most difficult situations that you will go through.

You will be more open-minded about the people around you and the ideas they might propose to you. You might get in contact with foreigners.

Be good to yourself, too. Take care of your health, be active, and make good use of your time day by day. Start off with a firm daily routine and it will take you through the whole year.

This year will favour knowledge at a very high level, so you could direct your energy to getting new information, engaging in cultural activities and getting involved in various scientific groups.

Overall, you will enjoy balance and stability with your every wish fulfilled and every ambitious project accomplished!

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

2016 is full of bright new ideas, and charm. There will be practical ideas, too, that you can put to good use and make progress in your studies, and connect with people who are both reasonable and pleasant. That's how people see you, too.

This year you will be more comfortable than most people. However, be prepared for more responsibilities, worries and difficulties with your parents. There is going to be a feeling of isolation or loneliness in your family. This general atmosphere will change in August when you will be able to enjoy the beauty of life again and you will feel luckier than ever.

Be attentive in case more opportunities arise. What seemed impossible in 2015 will become much easier to accomplish this year.

You will have a more courageous outlook on your own life. You will become more eager to travel, to expand your horizons and to raise your level of knowledge. But don’t forget to take good care of yourself!

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

2016 is your lucky year, in many ways. Your tact and social skills will be in high demand and this will bring great satisfaction and happiness.

When everyone is working hard to get ahead, your talents will smooth the way and create more opportunities for your friends, family, and you.

This year will favour your friendship relationships, group activities, getting involved in social activities and taking part in events that bring together people with common interests or hobbies.

Make some new friends and contacts now, as there will be a lot of socialisation opportunities and many reasons to have fun and to spend quality time with your loved ones.

Finally, the entire year 2016 will be good for your judgment, your focus and most of all for studying, for education and for building an unbreakable strategy for the development of your career.

Make your own luck, be ambitious and aim for the stars!

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

2016 is your year to bring down any barriers that have been holding you back! With clear thinking and willpower, you can accomplish what your heart desires and what your head knows you need.

Have more patience and charm this year, too. This assures that more problems are solved than created and that you make more friends than you risk losing.

Be realistic and kind, especially in the late summer and early autumn, when your people skills are increased.

Life will seem more beautiful to you and your plans will be accomplished much more easily.

2016 will be an excellent year for you in terms of studies: it will bring you a lot of prestige and success.

Another important aspect is that in 2016 your health will improve. During this year, you will be more relaxed than you have ever been and this will make you feel much better about yourself.

At home, the atmosphere is peaceful and warm. When things are going smoothly at home, career and public life are much easier. What a dynamite year!

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

2016 is your year, Sagittarius, to practise talents and skills that take you far and fast. You may not be given all the situations and opportunities that you choose at first, but you will have more than enough resources and creativity to make the best use of everything that comes your way.

The year may start slowly but soon your personal energy and good luck should increase.

The first part of the year will especially favour studies, culture and excursions. The second part of the year will be defined by success, and positive development in education. You will have a lot of enthusiasm and the opportunity to have some unique and adventure-marked experiences.

People may like you better and you may be more prepared to learn from them.

September is especially favourable for your health.

You will do great things all year long!

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

2016 will be a much more peaceful year than the previous one for you. The peace and calm is exactly what you need to sort out your thoughts, to prepare for important events in your life.

This year, you will accomplish more than you can imagine, with slow efforts. You will have a lot of ambition and courageous goals and it will make you focus more on designing strategies to help you build the career that you want.

Achievements, small and large, will give you the most satisfaction in 2016.

You can competently do just about anything, and get it right the first time.

The second half of 2016 will favour you in a more general way and it will open up wide horizons for you, both for your psychological development and from a cultural or spiritual point of view. Keep an eye on your health!

Finish the year as marvelously as you start it!

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You are a rising star in 2016, when all hard work is recognised and rewarded. Most of your work will be mental, and you will never lack brilliant ideas.

This year you will have the nerve to be courageous, but only when it's wise.

You will have an appetite for knowledge and adventure and find practical ways to satisfy these desires. You won't sit still for long.

Your studies will progress and will ensure big success in the future.

2016 will also be an excellent year for information, for studies, for intellectual and emotional creativity and for communication with people around you.

Some of the more difficult problems will take care of themselves, and there are situations when all you have to do is wait in order to see the results.

You will be rewarded with future achievements and you will manage to accomplish some important goals.

2016 will be a good year for creating new connections and friendships!

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

2016 is a power year for you. Your circle of friends and partners will grow, starting in January and February. You won't feel lonely in 2016.

You will feel more courageous in the springtime. Trust your intuitions and instincts before you do something new.

Later in April, May, and June, your mental focus and health will be less stressed. Enjoy a period of emotional calm.

It seems that 2016 will be an important year for your sign with an influence on your education and you will feel more confident.

This year you will find your balance in terms of studies. The year will bring you a lot of strength and determination to reach your goals.

Positive changes will take place in your life and you will be able to find efficient solutions to many problems.

You should expect good news in the second part of 2016. This year will keep you smart, sharp, and sensitive.



Teacher’s notes #3



At the beginning of the lesson ask the students:

  • Do you believe in horoscopes?
  • Do you know your zodiac sign? Do you know its name in English?
  • Would you like to know what the next year has in store for you?


Then pre-teach and/or check if your students know some useful vocabulary that they will need in order to read the predictions.

  1. boost (n; v)
  2. effort (n)
  3. challenge (n)
  4. discourage (v)
  5. take part in/ participate (Ph.V./ v)
  6. resist (v)
  7. improve (v)
  8. accomplish (v)
  9. accomplished (adj)
  10. favour (v)
  11. smooth (adj; v)
  12. reward (n; v)


Task 1

  • Make a copy of the Student’s Worksheet # 3.
  • Distribute the predictions to the students according to their star sign.
  • Students read their prediction.
  • After that, in groups they discuss what they have just read. For example they can ask each other the following questions:
    • Did you have a positive or a negative prediction?
    • Did you like your prediction?
    • What was surprising about your prediction?
    • What would you like to come true?
    • What would you change / add?


Task 2

  • Students chose a person from the class (it can be their friend or their teacher). Make sure everyone is picked. You can even assign names to students or make them draw the names from a bag/hat so that it will be a surprise.
  • Students have to write a prediction for that person for the next year (regardless of their star sign). They should use the horoscope predictions as an example (i.e. they have to write about studies, family, travel, achievement, health etc.).
  • If you have time, before this activity you can focus on future forms (will /may /might + Infinitive; be going to; be likely to).
  • Then students exchange the predictions and feed back to you whether they liked them or not.

